About Us

President Message

Welcome to APPCO Group of Companies, a Company that began as a small enterprise over 12 years ago and which nowholds the largest market share as the industry's turnkeysolutions provider.

Since its inception in the year 2009, has been involved in various Corrosion Control, Oil& Gas Constriction, MEP, and Infrastructure Projects.

In the year 2023, APPCO has transformed into Corrosion Control and has been providing excellent services in the Corrosion Control field using innovative technologies in KSA. Our Expertise in this field has been accumulated over the years by allowing us to participate and successfully complete and hand over the projects to our client in a timely mannerwithout compromising safety and Quality.

With a large fleet of construction and maintenance equipment, APPCO can fully execute Corrosion Control & Mechanical Oil & Gas construction, maintenance, and supplementary projects. We continue to embrace Disruptive Technologies to enable value creation in the service we provide to our highly esteemed clients like Saudi Aramco. Our business strategy is to embrace essentialtechnological and innovation changes in the oil & Gas field while we ensure high-quality service & sustain profitability and the company's strategic vision is aligned with Saudi Arabia's VISION 2030. We believe human resources as our core assets and APPCO has a full line of professionals capable enough to perform even the most challenging O&G Projects. Over the decades, APPCO's Success is driven by our expert employees as our people strategy is to provide employees with the modern training to enhance competitive skills and retain the highlycapable workforce. In order to create local job opportunities, we aim to train and develop local Saudi national workforce. Our success factor is due to "no compromise on Safety, Qualityand timelydelivery"ofservices to ourclients